tisdag 26 april 2011

You just lost the game.

Jag har under en längre period passivt ägnat mig åt något som kallas "The Game". Det är väldigt enkelt, men ganska menlöst när det enbart är en själv som känner till det. Därför tänkte jag dra med mig er, mina kära vänner, i The Game-träsket.

Här är reglerna:
Though The Game is very simple, it can be difficult to comprehend initially. A new player usually has to lose The Game once or twice to fully understand it.


1) When you think of The Game, you lose The Game.
2) When you lose The Game, you announce it to those around you.

Game Play

The first thing a new player needs to know is that when someone loses The Game (i.e. when someone thinks about The Game), game play temporarily stops for that person and for those around that person (since he must announce his game-loss aloud). The Game then restarts on a person-by-person basis when each person stops thinking about The Game. The Game never actually ends permanently.

No One Wins!

No one can ever technically win The Game. It could be argued that when one is not losing The Game (i.e. when someone is not thinking about The Game), they are winning The Game, but it still holds true that no one can ever definitively win The Game. You probably still don't understand The Game and how to play, so consider the example below.


You have just learned the rules of The Game and how to play. Because you now know this, you are playing The Game, and will be playing The Game for the rest of your life. At this moment in time you are thinking about The Game, so you are losing The Game. Let's say you leave this site, start doing something else, and The Game leaves your mind. But then you start thinking about this site again and therefore you start thinking about The Game... that's a loss of The Game! Keep in mind that it doesn't matter what makes you think of The Game. Usually it is something completely random and unrelated to The Game that all of a sudden reminds you of The Game. This is what makes it so interesting and fun!

The Bottom Line

Any time you aren't thinking about The Game and then start thinking about The Game, you lose The Game. It's that simple.

Källa: ilostthegame.org

Ha't så kul!

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